17 Kasım 2009 Salı

Weekly Report (Hakkı Büyükcengiz/Nov 11 - Nov 18)

Hi all,
This week i thought and researched about some technical aspects. I reseached sun technologies, such as java, j2ee, JSF, mysql, netbeans and glassfish. I concluded that: all sun technologies "highly compatible" with each other, and as other advantages, they are open source, free and platform independent. When an SME is considered, these features of sun technologies become more appealing, because an SME may not cope with the cost of other commercial products or other commercial platforms.
Also, this week i researched some open source and free data mining tools from the web. I've found Java Data Mining API, this api seems to be very advanced for us now, but it is worth to read it from here : http://www.artima.com/lejava/articles/data_mining.html at least, i think that it will bring us new ideas about this issue.

-Hakkı Büyükcengiz.

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