5 Mayıs 2010 Çarşamba

Weekly Report (Apr 28 - May 5 / Hakkı Büyükcengiz

Hi all,

This week, my research on various visualization techniques has continued on. So, we will present a concrete demo about visualization part at tomorrow meeting.


21 Nisan 2010 Çarşamba

Weekly Report (Apr 15 - Apr 22 / Hakkı Büyükcengiz

Hello everyone,

As we mentioned in our project presentation I am responsible for extracting useful data from external sources, so I wrote 5 java classes extracting the relevant data from tuik.gov.tr . In initial test conditions, every class contained a main function in it, now every class contains a static extract() method in it. These methods returns all useful data sets as vectors. I used classes and its properties as a mirror of the db tables I took from Erdem. I am planning to write java classes to extract other related pages in the next week. In the meantime, I will work on visualization patterns and plotting techniques as well.

-Hakki Buyukcengiz

Weekly Report (Apr 15 - Apr 22 / Abdullah Cemil Akçam

hi there,

as everybody knows im responsible for presentation part of our project. in other words, the last of the three modules -presentation module- is being done by me. im working on java plaftorm and using netbeans ide. last week i've constructed some kinds of charts. some of them are : pie chart, bar graph3d, area chart and ring chart. in this week's meeting i will show some of them. currently they are working on dynamic data stored in arrays. in the next steps i will run charts with the data stored in database. as a final step i will add some buttons to our general gui and users will be able to view the charts by just clicking the button. with the addition of this feature presentation module will be finished. i plan to finish the module in 2 or three weeks.

Abdullah Cemil Akçam

3 Nisan 2010 Cumartesi

Weekly Report Mar.24 - Apr.1 / Cihan BAHRAN

After discussing the content with my groupmates, I wrote an important part of the last sections of our configuration plan. Then I presented the material I wrote to my friends and after some necessary corrections we submitted the report.

26 Mart 2010 Cuma

Weekly Report (Mar. 17 - Mar. 24/ Ahmet Erdem SARIYUCE)

Last week, I desingen the database schema of the tourism sector paert of the project. I scanned the TUIK website and extracted some useful data for our project. I also created the create table queries. In the application, we plan to let the user to choose database tables for data mining. Next week, I plan to write tricky and informative select queries for created tables. I am also planning to do UI for the project. See u next week...

25 Mart 2010 Perşembe

Weekly Report (Mar. 17 - Mar. 24/ Cihan BAHRAN)

I've made research about html parsing this week. This part of the project probably will be harder to implement than what we've thought before. We're mostly concerned with the TUIK website.

24 Mart 2010 Çarşamba

Weekly Report(March 17-March 24/ Hakkı Büyükcengiz)

Hi all,

This week I continued to research on html parsing. I found a governmental web site to extract some currency values. It is more reliable and its content is so easy to parse:


Also, I am still researching on how to make use of web services of tuik web site. I am looking for useful data to be extracted from there.
