2 Aralık 2009 Çarşamba

Weekly Report(Nov 25 - Dec 2 / aes)

This week I continued my studies on both data mining and JDM. I especially focus on the beneficial features of JDM api and I think about to use these features in our project. On the other hand, we should submit the Initial Design Report until 10 december. Database design constitutes very important part at our ultimate goal in the project. The database we construct should be consistent with the data obtained at the end of the data mining phase. So, database design and selection of data mining algorithms and related should be consistent so that we can query the database accordingly. Since I have a very busy week, I were not able to thşnk about database design actually. Next week, while writing the initial design report, I am planning to finalize the selection of data mining algorithms and the associated database design. See you..

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